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Scholarship Competition Guidelines





Elementary is for students ages 9 - 11 who are singing at the level of the suggested repertoire on page 13.  Students must present a memorized program of two to three songs in contrasting styles, not to exceed a total length of 10 minutes.


Intermediate is for students ages 12 - 14 who are singing repertoire on the level of Pathways of Song, Vols. 1-2.  Students must present a memorized program of 3 songs in contrasting styles, one of them in a foreign language, not to exceed a total of 12 minutes in length. 


Senior is for students ages 15 - 18 who have developed a sense of style and sophistication in their music.  Students must present a memorized program of 3 songs in contrasting styles, at least one of them in a foreign language not to exceed a total of 15 minutes. 


No simplified arrangements or “Pop Tunes” will be accepted.  Music from the Musical Theatre genre is acceptable. Please contact the Scholarship Competition Chairperson with any questions concerning acceptable repertoire.


Vocalists may be accompanied by a teacher or a student.  If a recorded sound track is to be used, the student must provide an electronic player.








Folk Songs for Solo Singers, Vol. 1 & 2 by Althouse  (Alfred)

The Young Singer, Book 1 - Soprano by Richard D. Row 

Easy Songs for Beginning Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass(Schirmer) 

Ye Shall Have a Song (Alfred)

The Big Book of Children’s Songs (Leonard)

36 Solos for Young Singers (Leonard)

Joan Grey Boytim compilations for young singers (Schirmer)




Pathways of Song, Vols. 1-2

Songbook Series, Grades 5-6, Royal Conservatory of Music

Art Songs for School and Studio, Glenn and Spouse

G. Schirmer Collection of American Art Song24 Italian Songs & Aria's - Med. High  (Schirmer)




Anthology of Italian Song:  G. Schirmer

Old English Melodies:  L. Wilson

Songs of John Jacob Niles:  G. Schirmer

Bergerettes of the 18th Century:  J.B. Wecherin

50 Art Songs from the Modern Repertoire: G. Schirmer

Seven Centuries of Solo Song Vol. 1–4:  J. Woodside


For further suggested repertoire in all categories see FSMTA Student Activities Handbook, now available on line at:

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